Defrag windows 8.1
Defrag windows 8.1

So, defragmenting your hard drive on a regular basis is recommended. Even Though there’s no real issue with files being fragmented, fragmentation may lead to unwanted effects such as slowing down the computer and delayed access to files and folders. In such case defragmenting the disk is the solution to add together parts of information belonging to a specific file on a contiguous space. The problem appears when saving large files as usually not enough contiguous space is available. On the other side of spctrum, on traditional HDDs the fragmentation occurs when writing, the operating system randomly puts the data on the best free place. While SSD are random access with a limited number of read/write cycles, defragmenting them basically translates to a reduced lifespan so it is not recommended to use this tool on SSD devices. But using this tool does actually make any difference? If you’re on SSD, maybe not but if you’re still using traditional hard disks in your computer, it certainly does.

defrag windows 8.1 defrag windows 8.1

Disk defragmenting is a basic utility in all Windows versions.

Defrag windows 8.1